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'My touch can inform you what my words can not.
My touch can reach the places my heart feels.
My touch can heal your deepest hurt.
My touch can bring you the greatest satisfaction.'.

There is magic in touch, there is convenience, healing, connection, warmth and melting pleasure.

We are sexual end sensuous beings from the time we are born to the day we pass away.

We need touch, we crave to touch and be touched. Numerous research studies have actually been done on those denied of discuss infancy and childhood and the problems experienced by this lack.

It has been recommended that for maximum health an adult requirements 8 hugs a day, 8 welcomes that enfold you in someone's arms, not just a quick grab and squeeze, slap on the back. How numerous hugs have you had today like that?

The world of sensuous touch uses a limitless range of pleasure and possibilities.

We need to understand the difference in between sex and sensuality to comprehend the possibilities of this kind of touch.

Sex is generally a goal-oriented, genital activity. The goal of sex is orgasm. When that's taken place then the video game's over and we go on to the next activity, which for males is usually falling asleep. So perhaps it ought to be called 'going' rather than 'coming'.

Sensuality is different. A sensuous experience consists of all that we are, from the top of our head to the soles of our feet and whatever in between. Sensuality likewise includes our hearts, feelings and emotions.

This makes sensuous massage and touch an intimate experience.

Sex is not necessarily intimate. It's vulnerable but not intimate. When a man is asking for sex he's vulnerable. When a lady opens her body she's vulnerable.

If you're making love and your eyes are closed and you're lost in some dream, there's no intimacy because.

Lots of females will inform you that kissing is typically more intimate than sex.

Sensuous massage and touch does not have an end objective. It does not need to go anywhere specific. It's not always heading for orgasm.

One of the reasons sexual encounters are not always fulfilling, especially casual sex and one-night stands is that they offer a physical release, a few hours of touching, but no more.

It feels great but as soon as it's done we're searching for the next one.

What we're searching for is intimacy, a deeper connection than just a pair of genitals sharing enjoyment.

This is where the excitement of sensual touch and its numerous possibilities is available in. It even provides us various possible endings than sex.

Sex normally ends in orgasm unless you're practicing Tantra and understand other Eastern sexual viewpoints and practices. By concentrating on reaching orgasm we vacate the minute, out of the enjoyment we're experiencing and into what we require to do to get to the orgasm.

Sensual touch puts us right in the present, in our bodies and completely here with our partner. It can become sexual but doesn't have to; it may include genital playing but doesn't have to.

It might be mutual or a gift that you receive or give from your partner. It can be a form of deep healing, of interaction and connection.

It can be an image that you paint on your fans beautiful body or a poem that you write on their skin.

It can be a time of continuous expedition of the marvel of both your bodies, for to do this kind of massage is to explore yourself as much as your partner, so you get so much from giving. One common complaint is that one partner always gives more massage, more pleasure, initiates more than the other. This leads to frustration and anger and a feeling of resentment if I'm always the one massaging you and when you do reciprocate it's often a perfunctory rub that leaves me feeling worse.

The single biggest sexual problem in relationships is boredom.

People lose interest in each other; they end up making love in the same position, same night, same time. It becomes a duty, just another thing we do.

Sensual massage and touch is never boring as it allows you to massage as an extension of how you feel. If you're energetic and playful, you can touch one way, if you're chilled and relaxed you can touch differently. There are no rules other than do what feels good for both of you.

You're not bound to any specific massage routine. This comes from inside and anyone can do it.

I have a saying that your hands know how to massage and touch, your mind says you don't.

We all have this within us; it simply needs to be woken up.

This type of massage also teaches you to massage with EVERY part of your body. This gives you constant excitement and exploration. You'll always see your partner and your self from new angles; feel something that you've never felt before.

Every time you massage will be different, therefore you can't get bored. You get into a spiral of excitement and looking forward to play time, thinking of new possibilities, new ways to touch. It opens a wonderful avenue of creativity that spills over into other aspects of life.

When we were babies, the gentleness of this touch takes us back to a time of safety that we first felt. When a baby cries, we pick it up, check if the nappy needs to be changed, are they hungry, thirsty, cold or hot. After that we cuddle and rock them, stroke them until they're calm.

They feel safe and loved.

This touch is reminiscent of those feelings. Feeling safe opens the doors to communicating, deep and honest words. When people will start talking about so many things they've never shared before, this is a time. Many men are amazed at the ease with which they can talk about emotional issues after this type of massage, lying close with their partners.

Women are even more amazed that their men have feelings, never mind express them.

When we see and feel the benefits and excitement this touch and massage bring to our body and relationship, to our sexuality and our spirituality, we want more.

It becomes a wonderful conscious choice to spend more time with our partners. To love and touch and explore and play. We fall in love and lust again and again.

We become happy and fulfilled and peaceful.

We are healthier, we have more energy, and we become better parents, more productive at work.

Maybe the sharing of pleasure can bring us all this. Maybe it's that simple.

A massage is not just a massage it is the approach and an experience to this euphoric experience should not be taken lightly. A massage should never be approached as just a massage; just as sex should never be approached as just sex. The important thing for you when receiving the massage is that when the therapist hands the hands of eye touch they can give you the ultimate feeling of euphoria with no pain. The best massage for any body type is the massage that is performed by a hands of eye therapist with the ability to feel into your body's life force and let or help the "chi" or life gay massage Houston force flow properly. Sensual massage and touch is never boring as it allows you to massage as an extension of how you feel.

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